The South Thames Acute Pain Group (STAPG) is a non-profit making group of health professionals who have a special interest in pain. The activity of the group is steered by a committee whose main focus is the organisation of an annual conference that provides a forum for the wider dissemination of information on acute pain management. The conference welcomes all health professionals with an interest in acute pain management from the region as well as from outside and abroad.
The organisation of the annual conference is delegated to a different ‘host’ trust each year. The committee is responsible for supporting the host in organising the event but the host is responsible for the financial execution of the conference within the parameters agreed by the committee. The host must therefore keep an accurate record of finances during the planning of the conference in addition to providing the treasurer with all necessary documentation such as invoices and receipts so that the accounts can be accurately maintained.
The committee has both permanent and co-opted members. Membership of the permanent committee includes individuals from different professional groups with the aim of including at least two consultant anaesthetists, two clinical nurse specialists and one pharmacist. In addition, a maximum of two representatives from the hosting organisation are invited to join the committee as co-opted members for up to eighteen months prior to them hosting the event and for the year following their event.
The following positions will be elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) for a minimum term of three years:
– Chairperson
– Deputy chairperson
– Treasurer
– Secretary
All other committee members will be elected at the AGM for a period of three years and the different roles and responsibilities will be agreed at committee meetings. In order for the committee to operate effectively and efficiently, it is expected that there will be a maximum of eight permanent members and four co-opted members. In the event that a committee member has to step down, the committee can provisionally vote in replacement member but this decision must then be ratified at the next AGM.
The number of committee members that constitutes a quorum is six committee members with two of these being the chairperson, deputy chairperson, treasurer or secretary.
Committee Meetings
The committee will meet at least three times per year, but ideally five times per year, including the AGM. The meetings take place at a mutually agreed convenient location or via virtual platform. The committee decides on the meeting dates for the coming year at their first meeting following the AGM.
Expectations of Committee Members
All committee members and co-opted members are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner in accordance with their professional bodies
Committee members must attend a minimum of two meetings in a 12 month period
Any members not adhering to this may be asked to step down from the committee.
Agreed at AGM 12th November 2012